Michigan Truck Driving Championship
June 6-7, 2025
The Michigan Truck Driving Championship tests the best drivers from around the state, judging their expertise in three phases: first, a written exam based on American Trucking Association’s Facts for Drivers; second, a pre-trip inspection test; and thirdly, driving a predetermined skills course that includes stopping, backing, turning and serpentine maneuvers.
Drivers compete in multiple divisions:
- Three-axle tractor trailer
- Four-axle tractor trailer
- Five-axle tractor trailer
- Flatbed
- Sleeper berth
- Straight truck
- Tanker
- Twins
- Step van
The Championship is open to any company that is domiciled in Michigan or whose driver resides in Michigan (other qualifications apply.)
Winners in each division go on to the ATA National Trucking Driving Championship held in Minneapolis, MN, August 20-23, 2025.
- MTA Member: $250
- Non-MTA Member: $350
The Michigan TDC follows the eligibility rules set by the ATA National Truck Driving Championships.
General driver requirements:
- Domiciled or residing in Michigan
- Regularly performs duties of a professional truck driver
- Have an accident-free record from August 24, 2024 up to and including June 6, 2025
- Meets DOT physical requirements
- License includes necessary endorsements for competition class entered
- Except as otherwise provided, a driver shall be continuously employed by the entering employer for at least 12 months before entry and shall have driven and performed the duties of a professional truck driver for 11 of the 12 months before entry.
- The requirement may be waived for a driver:
- Whose change in employment is solely due to their previous employer going out of business
- Who has been on active military duty for a full term of active duty
- The requirement may be waived for a driver:
Please call MTA at 517-321-1951 for eligibility questions.
- Friday, June 6: Crowne Plaza Lansing West, 925 S. Creyts Rd., Lansing, MI
- 1:00 pm-2:00 pm: Driver registration
- 2:00 pm-4:00 pm: Driver orientation, written test
- 4:30 pm: Course walk-through
- Saturday, June 7: Lansing Community College West Campus, 5708 Cornerstone Dr. Lansing, MI
- 7:00 am: Drivers assemble at course bullpen
- 7:30 am: Pre-trip inspection begins
- 8:15 am: National Anthem
- 8:30 am: Driving competition begins
- To compete, the driver MUST complete and return the following to MTA by June 6:
- 2025 NTDC Driver Registration Form SIGNED BY BOTH YOU AND YOUR SUPERVISOR (see National Truck Driving Championship below)
- Current copy of your MVR showing:
- Your name and/or signature
- Class of CDL
- Remember: During the written exam and competition:
- No alcohol
- No cell phones or other electronic devices
- No sunglasses
- No stocking caps
Drivers who violate the TDC rules will be disqualified
June 7, 2025 at Crowne Plaza Lansing West, 925 S. Creyts Rd., Lansing, MI
- Adult: $65
- Child (under 12): $35
A cash bar/buffet dinner precedes the awards presentation, where TDC division winners, the pre-trip Inspection winner, written test winner, Rookie of the Year, and the Grand Champion are announced.
Remember: Do not buy tickets for your participating drivers. Drivers will receive a meal ticket as part of their registration. Everyone else must buy a banquet ticket --including volunteers.
- Banquet ticket pick up: 5:00 pm-6:30 pm
- All tickets will be given to the company representative to distribute, NOT individuals. Drivers will receive their meal ticket in their driver packet.
- Reception/Cash Bar: 5:00 pm-7:30 pm
- Doors Open: 6:00 pm
- Buffet Dinner: 6:15 pm-7:15 pm
- Awards Program: 7:30 pm-8:30 pm
All tickets must be pre-purchased; NO tickets will be available at the door for walk-in guests.
Purchase deadline May 28
Questions? Contact MTA at 517-321-1951 or info@mitrucking.org
Not a driver but want to be part of the action? Volunteer to work as a course judge or pre-trip inspection judge.
Course location: Lansing Community College West, 5708 Cornerstone Dr, Lansing, Ml
Check-in June 7:
- Pre-trip inspection judges report to the pre-trip area: 7:00 am
- Course judges report to the white canopy tent in the driveway: 7:30 am
- Competition starts: 8:30 am
- Finish time: Depends on the number of drivers but should be about 3:00 pm or sooner.
Other things to know:
- Please note that this Is an outdoor event-- Dress accordingly
- Water will be available
- There's not much shade so bring sunscreen, hats and sunglasses
- Lunches will be available
- There's a lot of walking so wear comfortable shoes
- Portable bathrooms are available on the course and bathroom facilities are open in the College.
- Please note: You cannot park on the driveway coming into the facility. You must go past the course and park In the parking lots in front of the College and walk to the course.
You will receive further information from Volunteer Coordinator David Menke.
If you have questions, please contact David at 616-481-3759 or dmenke@atrservices.com.
Crowne Plaza Lansing West, 925 S. Creyts Rd., Lansing, MI
- A special rate of $139/night is available for TDC attendees June 6-7 on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Reservations can be made directly with the hotel by calling (877) 322-5544. To receive the group rate, you must identify yourself as a member of the Michigan Trucking Association.
- You may also register online using the Group Code: TRU.
- Reservation deadline: May 6
- $1,000 Platinum: Company name, logo and web link included on all event pages, emails and mobile app.
- $500 Gold: Company name and logo included on all event pages, emails and mobile app.
- $250 Silver: Company name included on all event pages, emails and mobile app.
- $500 Driver Snack Box: One available. Sponsor underwrites individual driver snack boxes; company name, logo and web link included on all event pages, emails and mobile app.
August 20-23, 2025 Minneapolis, MN
- No grills, stoves or other cooking appliances allowed.
- Drivers will be provided box lunches and water. Water will also be available for volunteers.
- No alcohol.
- Parking: You cannot park on the driveway coming into the College You must park in the lots in front of the facility.
- Bring your own seating.
- Tent rentals are available through Delux Tent Mid Michigan at 517-322-2900. Reserve early-- this is wedding and graduation season.
- There are portable bathrooms on the course as well as the College's bathroom facilities.
- There is very little shade so consider sunscreen, hats and sunglasses.
- Exception: Competing drivers cannot wear sunglasses or a stocking cap
- No one is allowed on the course except competing drivers, course volunteers and judges.
- Have a good time!